Spiritual Chat 08 - Original Version About Spiritual Chat 08 Title: "Let God Finish What He Has Started Within Us", Date: March 17, 2002 Chat Between: Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler) and Rumi
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Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. Al-salam 'alaykum. My love you, my dearest brothers and sisters.
9. Peace Comes From Joining In Partnership With God - from joining with God as God truly is in our life, not as we imagine Him to be
Peace in our life comes by understanding the True Nature of God within us, as God is truly seen, experienced, known, and understood through our wisdom, not as the world in its ignorance likes to think He is or tells us, and peace comes to us by our understanding our role in the True Nature of God within us, and in our joining with that Nature. Then everything happens as God wills, according to the true Nature of God, not as the world or we as "separate from" God intend, and we become peaceful with everything as it happens understanding and accepting it as the nature and will of God.
Yes it is amazing, but it makes sense. Thank you for sharing about Bawa saying that,
"God will take us at the best possible time for us to be taken".
I am hoping for that, In sha'a Allah (if God has willed).
I would like to be in a place where I can say,
"Please God take me whenever it pleases you, I am ready".
It is not something to hope for, it is the truth of your life, that when understood and accepted becomes the peace of your life, by realizing, experiencing, knowing, and understanding the way that God truly works in your life.
For example, Mohamedali Sultan Abdul Cader is within each of us, not "outside" of us, and as such, as one of the Children of God for this age, this age of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), he can never die.
This is true for each of us. And his translation of the book, "The Pearl of Wisdom or Guru Mani", was and is his life "inside" of each of us, and in a beautiful way, he is "The Pearl of Wisdom" within us, by becoming one with the "Pearl of Wisdom" within us, by becoming one with the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) before he died.
It is to elevate your life to what God is doing within you, and by joining with God in what He is doing within you, and in this way, by becoming "one with" God within you, before you die, that makes your life divine, not by your keeping it "separate from" God, or "separate from" what God is doing within each of us.
And in a very beautiful way, this is what Mohamedali Sultan Abdul Cader did with his life, and why he was successful in his life. And this is what each of us must do, to be successful in our life.
10. Forget Yourself, Speak And Lose Yourself, Talking Alone With Intensity, Say, "He Is One", Your Soul Will Elevate Itself - only then will we know God
The question we must all ask ourselves, repeatedly, is "Who were we before the age of two?" And the answer will always be the same, for all of us, "We don't know". And the reason is very simple. Because we are no longer connected to who we were then, to our previous life of "oneness with" God. Now we are only connected to our current life of "separation from" God. This is the path of God, to re-establish the life of "oneness with "God that we have lost, by now losing the life of "separation from" God that we have become. This is the true meaning of "death before death", by realizing, knowing, and understanding the birth that we had after our birth, the birth of "separation from" God after our birth of "oneness with" God.
The main thing is to forget it, to forget about your current life, and what will happen to it, by realizing that what you are calling your life is not your life but rather the falsehood covering your true life, your true life which is what God is doing within you. This is the truth of your life.
For as His Holiness teaches in the "Forward" and in Chapter 21, "The Six Faces", in the book, "The Pearl of Wisdom", on page 6 and on page 72,
On page 6:
"O my Children, as precious to me as my eyes, learn the six tastes of the 'Guru Mani'. Be clarified. Be aware. Feel. Conduct yourself with enlightenment."
"Separate each (of these 6) sections (within you) individually. Contemplate in solitude. Each section will reveal and illuminate the truth."
On page 72:
"(These 6 sections within you) are the six (kinds of) wisdom (within you) which are beyond estimation, beyond imagination, and beyond pleasure. They distinguish the truth that surrounds God, disciple the body, melt the heart, and like the season of spring, sprout the six kinds of wisdom."
"They are known as Kandan, Kandampan (the son of Kandan), Murugan (or Muhammad), Velan, and Veliraivan (the God of the Vel), and by several other names as well."
"They exist in every religion. People refer to them according to the depths of their understanding, but nobody has discovered the true meaning, and reached the end (until now)."
"A person draws a line and questions what it is. One person replies that it is a line. Another says that it is (the number) 1. Yet another says that it is (the Arabic letter) Alif. Similarly others say many things."
"Instead of this, if you stay with a good Guru you will understand reason, justice, the meaning (of virtue), joy, and bliss (aanadam). The meaning of all these will be made clear to you. The qualities of our inner selves will become victorious (over the qualities of our outer selves)."
"I shall explain further. Listen."
(His Holiness then tells a beautiful story of a mother and her son, of a son who "forgets his determination to die, if he cannot see his true Father", and of a mother who has to initially lie to her son, and deceive him, to keep him alive, until wisdom dawns within him, and he can truly search for and find his Father)."
Again on page 6:
"Kindle the light of your heart in silence. Forget yourself. Speak and lose yourself. Talking alone with intensity, say, 'He is One'. Your soul will elevate itself."
11. Using Our Wisdom We Must Separate From What We Have Mistakenly Joined With And Re-Join With What We Have Mistakenly Separated From - the path of God is just this simple.
We can only end what we have in our ignorance started by using our wisdom to realize, understand, accept, and join with it, not by denying it, ignoring it, or setting out to convert it or destroy it, because in truth it is all fine the way it is. For an apple seed buried in the earth is Ok, both before and after it germinates. First in ignorance of itself, it fails to germinate, but upon realizing and accepting the truth of itself, the why, where, how, and what of itself, it germinates, naturally revealing the apple tree hidden within it. The same applies to each of us. Only by turning away from the truth of us, when it is shown to us, only by turning away from or forgetting the life and teaching of God for our age, which is the life and teaching of our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), will we fail to germinate and reveal the Tree of God's Grace for our age.
Yes, thank you for reminding me of that, to elevate our life to what God is doing. That mind just creeps in and forgetfulness is flourishing.
Because that is the nature of the mind. The more you see your mind working within you, rather than seeing yourself working in the world, the more you will be able to deal with it by ignoring it, by turning to God within you to deal with it.
That is the great work, seeing our mind and desire as separate from us, and God as one with us, and in this way, using our wisdom to separate from us what we have mistakenly joined with, and joining again with what we have mistakenly separated from.
12. We Have To Get God To Become God Again - but this time within us
We must all realize that the value of God is in the use of God, that if we are not using God to complete what God has started within us, which is to reveal True Man within the Creation of God, or the dunya, and to reveal God within the Creation of True Man, or akhirah, then in truth God is of no real value to us. In this way, we must task God to do the work that only God can do within us, we must get God to re-establish our broken direct connection with the things of God within us, within the heart of our Shaikh, which is the Soul, Goodness, and God, and then we must get God to find God within this stuff of God, within the Heart of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him).
We have joined with our mind and desire, and as such we don't see our mind and desire, because we have become "one with" our mind and desire. In truth our mind and desire is who we have in our ignorance become.
And in our ignorance we have also become "separate from" God, and as such we don't see God either, because God can only be seen as "one with" God, because the nature of God is "oneness and unity", not "separation and differences".
All we are left with is the idea of ourselves as "separate from" God, as "separate from" each other, and as "separate from" the Creation of God within us, because "separation and differences" is the nature of the thing that we in our ignorance have become "one with". This is our only problem.
God has given us a mind and desire so we can see them, but we can only see then through our wisdom, after we have again become "one with" God, and then having seen, known, and understood then through our wisdom, discard them, as God did, and as God will do again within us, if we but ask Him to do this divine work within us.
That is the point of everything, joining with God to finish within us what God has started within us, which is to reveal True Man within the Creation of God, and to reveal God within the Creation of True Man, and in this way, to reveal the Oneness of God and True Man within us, which is God.
But when we are thinking about ourselves, as separate lives, we are not watching our mind and desire, we are our mind and desire. This is where a journal can help, this is where the dialogue between our mind and desire and our wisdom as recorded within a journal can help.
Through a journal we can more and more watch the antics of our mind and desire, and the peace and tranquility of our wisdom, if we have first called on our wisdom to participate in the journal. For without the participation of our wisdom the journal just becomes a show place for our mind and desire.
So before working on the journal, invite your wisdom to participate, and for this age, the name of our wisdom is "Bawa". So start each entry in the journal by calling out the name of your wisdom, by calling out the name, "Bawa".
Both are within you, both your mind and desire and your wisdom are within you, and both are of God, not of you. Both relate to what God is doing within you, not to you, and what God is doing within you is revealing True Man within the Creation of God and revealing God within the Creation of True Man.
In truth we are beyond all of this, we are beyond what God is doing, we are of what was before all of this started and what will be when all of this is done. This and only this is what we are.
We are of God, not of what God is doing, not of awwal, dunya, or akhirah, and God is doing all of this so we can understand this and join with Him as our only true property, our only true wealth, as the only One we need, the True One, the One who will live forever. May we both reflect on this wisdom point a little. It is very, very important.
In this way, both our mind and desire, and our wisdom, are but a vehicle for reaching God, for understanding who we already are, for becoming again "one with" God, which in itself is but a vehicle for eventually disappearing back into God, from which we have all come, like the rain disappearing back into the ocean, from which it came, as the ocean, no longer the rain.
13. Learning The Power of The Father's Prayer - "Oh my Father, my Shaikh, my Guru, please, please, please destroy me and reveal You"
We must realize that when we use our wisdom to truly turn back toward God, our whole life, which is now a life of "separation from" God, will rise up to kill us, or from its perspective, "save itself", and realize without the slightest doubt that only God can win this battle of "selflessness over selfishness", but that you have God to fight and win this battle, and He will if you properly ask Him, if you make it His battle not yours.
Yes, true. You know since I am praying our Father's Prayer that you shared with me, my life has changed, it has become uprooted from a fairly easy routine and turned upside down.
When I stop praying it for a few days, ease comes, and when I start again to say it, mental difficulties eat me up.
One is what God discards and is falsehood, and the other is what God embraces within Himself and is truth. But you are not of either. You are of what transcends both.
What transcends falsehood is truth, and what transcends truth is God. So let God handle all if it.
Yes - the Father's Prayer that we have shared is the very heart of the book,
"O my dear children, be informed that this "Guru Mani" will reduce into matchwood the evils that follow you and the evils that spread. It will erase the residue of committed sins. These graceful words of the Guru are ancient and glorious words. They will tear the entirely of your sins."
Yes, I know that and Al hamdu lillah.
The Father's prayer is like the Suratal Fatihah of the book, "The Pearl of Wisdom or Guru Mani."
It is the Cause that transforms the Creation of God within you, which is the dunya, into True Man within God, which is the Oneness of God and His Creation, and then transforms the Creation of True Man within you, which is akhirah, into God within True Man, which is the Oneness of True Man and the Creation of True Man, and in this way revealing the Oneness of God and True Man, which is God. Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar.
In that same "Forward" to the book, "The Pearl of Wisdom", Bawa says,
"May the courageous beings read "Guru Mani" with determination".
And Bawa says at the end of the "Forward",
"My brothers who accept "Guru Mani" which this poor ignorant Bawa sang, and who read it with clarity, are the Creator's Beings of Grace. They are the great Beings of this world. May Allah's grace be upon them."
One day Bawa said that we should not recite the fourth Kalimah until we are ready to die.
It is the same for the book, "The Pearl of Wisdom or Guru Mani", it is what we must read when we are ready to die, because that is the only point of it, to die to our life of separation and differences, to our life of "separation from" God, and be born into a new life of "oneness with" God.
Now I want to go and read that book. I always had a resistance to read that book before.
As with the fourth Kalimah, as with the fourth prayer at sunset, the book,
Interesting. I feel I have just started to assert myself to live in this world. And I do think it is my lesson to learn. For I had this underlying notion that I had no right to be in this world.
14. Only God Can Do God's Work - and God can only do His work within us, when we, as "separate from" God, stop trying to do His work, and instead rely on Him to do it
Only God can do God's work, which He will naturally do within us, when we give up the idea of ourselves as "separate from" God, of ourselves as having a life that is "separate from" God, that is "separate from" each other, and is "separate from" the Creation of God within us. This is all that is blocking God within us, from completing what God is doing within each of us, our "own" life "separate from" Him, and once this block is removed from within us God naturally completes what He has started within us, which is to reveal True Man within His Creation, or the dunya, and to reveal God within the Creation of True Man, or akhirah..
For Previous Point:
Be careful my dear sister, don't want to read "Guru Mani". It is like wanting to have a sword that can kill you.
Instead, give up your desire to live in the world, by realizing the cost to a life of mind and desire, lived in ignorance of "who you are", of "where you are", and of "what is truly happening" in your life, the cost of a life of "separation from" God, which is the loss of your soul, and hand the problem to God, and let Him solve it.
He will fashion the sword that will kill what needs to be killed within you and bring to life what needs to be brought to life within you. But don't get into it. It is not your work. It is God's work. Do you understand?
Rumismith: Yes, I understand, thank you for reminding me.
15. Settling Into Stillness, Into Nothingness, Through The Realization That Everything Is Perfect - this is the way we must walk through life to be successful in our life
"The Motionless All-Pervading One is the Omniscient Silent One. The world is hypnotic fascination. The mind is agitation, disorganization, and bewilderment. The words of a gnostic Guru are a driving force." Only this is really going on within us. So become peaceful and let God complete what He has started within you. Quote from Chapter 2, "Search for God", page 16,
New Point:
Yes - you have no right to be in this world, and you have no right to leave this world, because you have no rights.
All rights belong to God, to either live here or to leave here. You have nothing. You are nothing. And that must become sufficient. God is your salvation, not anything you do. He is your wealth, not anything that you may have or do or accomplish.
This is the way you need to dialogue in the journal, to make the mind and desire within you sit down by calling out to "Bawa" to answer its questions, not for you to answer them.
Only when you rely on Him can He reveal Himself. Make the journal His problem, like making when Louie gets to visit the Fellowship His problem, not yours, like making when and if you read "Guru Mani" His problem, not yours.
This is the only way any of these things have value, when they are in His hand, and He is dealing with them, not in your hand and you are dealing with them.
As soon as you take on any role in any of these things, everything of value stops.
16. Make Knowing That God Knows Enough & Call For Your Own Destruction - like Abraham and Ishmael will do within us (may God be pleased with all of His Prophets) if we will but let Them
This is Iman or the seed of True Man within us, which is absolute faith, certitude, and determination in God within us, which is the Prophet Muhammad within us (may the peace and blessings of God be upon Him), at the level of Abraham within us (may the blessings of God be upon Him), which is the fourth level of wisdom within us, which is Judgment or Estimate within us, and His son Ishmael within us, (may the blessings of God be upon Him) which is our fifth level of wisdom, which is Subtle Wisdom, which is true "qurban" within us, the One within us who calls for His own sacrifice to reveal God within us, cutting away the beastly qualities within the heart of man that cause men to slaughter other lives for the sake of their own selfish life.
So all that we shared in this Chat is about what God has to do within us, not what we have to do.
Our work is to know that all of it is His work. Our work is to hand all of it to Him, and be done with it, be done with the journal, be done with this brother and this sister, be done with our chatting, be done with Louie visiting the fellowship, be done with reading "Guru Mani, and in this way, be done with Rumi as "separate from" God and with Louie as "separate from" God.
In this way, my dearest loving sister, let Rumi as "separate from" God, as "separate from" your brothers and sisters, and as "separate from" all of the Creation of God within you end, let it all end, and then you will experience what is next, and what is next is Rumi as "One with" God.
These are words of comfort for my heart - this indeed is the truth and the purpose of our life.
But the apple seed must be completely destroyed for the apple tree to be revealed, nothing of the apple seed is left. In this way, the apple tree is the death of the apple seed.
And in this way, the Rumi that is "One with" God is the death of the Rumi that is "separate from" God. As the Louie that is "One with" God is the death of the Louie that is "separate" from God.
Our work is to realize, understand, accept, and join with this truth of our life, that we are the Seed of God's grace within Him, and join with our Shaikh to destroy us, to destroy us as "separate from" Him, to destroy the two coverings of the seed, which is our mind and desire, which is our life of separation and differences that we see as existing in the world "outside" of us, and reveal Him, to reveal us as "one with" Him, to reveal the Tree of God's grace, which is True Man within the Creation of God, which is the Oneness of God and the Creation of God or the dunya.
And He is the Tree of God's grace within us which we have become "one with", which then joins with God within us to reveal God within Him, which is the Fruit of God's grace within Him, which is the oneness of True Man and His Creation or akhirah, and the sweet taste of that Fruit of God's grace is God, is the oneness of God and True Man within us.
This is what we must do, dearest loving sister Rumi. This is what each of us must do to be successful in our life. Anything less than this is less than this, and should be considered the failure of our life.
Rumismith: Al hamdu lillah. Allahu akbar.
Our work is to watch the mind and desire squirm as we talk about our ending.
Remember, Bawa told us that when we take one step toward God, toward the oneness of God and True Man within us, our whole life will rise up to kill us. And this is His problem not ours.
Let it rise up, let it come to kill us, and hand its rising up, and its effort to kill us to God, saying "Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar". All praise be to God. O God we die in You.
There is nothing else to do, but to watch the tide come in and go out, watch the waves come in one after the other, and then go back out one after the other. This is our life, not doing anything about the tide or the waves. That is There work. The work of the Triple Flame of God within us - The Shaikh, The Disciple, and God.
And our work is to watch them and trust in God, knowing that God knows, and making our "knowing that God knows enough", like Abraham did in His pit of fire (may the blessing of God be upon Him).
Rumismith: Yes, thank you, thank you. Al hamdu lillah, Allahu akbar.
17. Settling Into Stillness So God Can Move Into Action - do God can complete what He has started within us
"What has incredible movement so it can stand perfectly still? A humming bird. A humming bird has incredible movement so it can stand perfectly still and draw the nectar from the flower. Like this, God has incredible movement "outside" so He can stand perfectly still "inside" and draw the 'ilm or divine knowledge of God from His Creation." Quote from the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him).
In this way, everything is perfect. Everything is always perfect. And the more we realize this, the more we experience this as the truth of our life, of all life, we more we will settle into stillness through the realization that everything is perfect.
And the more that we move into stillness within us, the more God will move into action within us, completing what He has started within us, causing the Silent One within us to speak, as the "Resonance of God, causing all of the Creation of God within us to come to completeness within us, in the 18,000 universes within us.
Al-hamdu lillah. All praise and praising belong to God, and to God alone. Allahu Akbar. Only God is Great.
My love you (anbu) my sweet sister Rumi. Enough?
Yes, enough. My heart is overflowing with praise and thanks to God.
What a wonder. As you said, life is rising up and trying to kill us, and when it is so painful, he sends these beautiful explanations.
Closing Prayer:
May all the peace and blessings of God be upon all of us. May God give us His grace and melt our hearts into the One Heart of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), the gift of God to all of the Children of God for this age.
Amen, Amen, Ya Rabil Alameen. Amen, Amen, Ya Rahman Alameen. Amen, Amen, Ya Rahim Alameen. Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar.
My love you (anbu) - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler). Please give my love and salams to all of our brothers and sisters at the Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship.
Yes, I will. My love and salams to you, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen.
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